New Partnership – MEDICAL PLAZA Clinic
By aggeliki
Medical Plaza – The Multidisciplinary Medical Clinic was inaugurated in June 2014. To day, it is a multidisciplinary Medical Center with an area of 6500 m2, in which are working 206 employees, of which 98 doctors, more than 40 specialties. For almost 3 years of the Center’s work, medical services for more than 25 thousand people have been rendered, more than 4 thousand surgical interventions have been done. Specialists of the Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies advised several thousand married couples and helped to realize their dreams: more than 400 kids were born. Care for reproductive health is one of the main components of the work of Medical Plaza. The Center provides the full range of modern services in the field of reproductive medicine. In The Multidisciplinary Medical Clinic MEDICAL PLAZA united the high professionalism of doctors, innovative approaches in the treatment of diseases, the newest equipment, European service, and most importantly – the Responsibility for your health! The effectiveness of IVF programs in the clinic exceeds 48%, which corresponds to the level of advanced European and American clinics.
- MC Medical Plaza is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine.
- MC Medical Plaza has an International Quality Certificate in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015
- MC Medical Plaza is only one in Ukraine partner of the international consortium for oncofertility (Chicago).
- Medical Plaza is a partner of insurance and legal companies
- Medical Plaza is the only multidisciplinary medical center in Ukraine, in which there are: diagnostics, a laboratory, a polyclinic, a hospital, a surgery department, departments of mammology and oncology, an assisted reproductive technology department, and pediatrics.
- Multidiscipline is the possibility of cross-disciplinary consultations, which allows patients to receive an expert response in one center.
List of services provided in the department REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES
- Primary examination by a doctor reproductologist;
- All spectrum of laboratory examination in the direction of reproductology;
- ICSI (IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection) ;
- IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically selected Sperm Injection);
- Assisted hatching;
- Morphokinetic selection of embryos;
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
- intrauterine insemination,
- programs of in vitro fertilization,
- program donation of oocytes and / or sperm
- surrogate motherhood programs
All our obstetrician-gynecologists, reproductologists have a full arsenal of diagnostic methods: ultrasound examination, which is performed on devices of expert level General Electrics Voluson, colposcopy, echosalpingoscopy, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy