Yakov Bereznitskiy
Yakov Bereznitskiy began his career as a surgeon in 1973, after graduating from the medical faculty of the Medical Institute in Dnipro. In the period from 1973 to 1978 he worked as a surgeon in the city hospital №16. Then he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences.
From 1978 to 2000 he worked at the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Gastroenterology of Ukraine Health Ministry, first as a senior researcher, and from 1990 to 1999 – as head of the department of surgery of the digestive organs. In 1987 he defended his doctoral thesis, the implementation of which was accompanied by active scientific and practical surgical work. In 1997 he was awarded the title of Professor.
From 1995 to 2001, he combines work at the Institute of Gastroenterology with the position of head of the department surgery.
Since 2005, Yakov Bereznitskiy has headed the Association of Dnipropetrovsk Region Surgeons, being a board member of the Ukraine
Association of Surgeons.
The main specialization of Professor Bereznitsky is the surgical treatment of diseases of the abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space.
His scientific and practical activity is connected with surgical gastroenterology, endoscopic surgery, as well as with the problems of prevention and treatment of postoperative complications.
An experienced surgeon was trained in Germany, Israel, Canada, actively participates in international congresses on surgery, some of which are conducted personally.
Another priority of the professor is information technology in the field of health, and improving the quality of the diagnostic and treatment process.
Since 2006, Y. Bereznitskiy pays great attention to the treatment of people with morbid obesity. Widely using modern methods of surgical treatment of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes,
Yakov Bereznitskiy became an expert in bariatric.
Currently, in the clinic he leads, for patients with overweight who need surgical treatment, laparoscopic sleeve resection is widely used.
Today, an experienced surgeon has hundreds of operations to reduce the volume of the stomach, which brought the patients back to a full life. Professor Bereznitskiy operates the most difficult patients, giving them hope for recovery.
Obesity is not a sentence, but a disease that requires adequate treatment. A professional in his field, Professor Yakov Bereznitskiy, uses his knowledge and experience to bring people back to the joy of being!