• Overview
  • Treatment Includes
  • Treatment Excludes
  • Booking

All donors have been selected and screened according to International’s extensive quality assurance, operational procedures and policies for donor recruitment, assessment and screening.

Donor candidates complete a comprehensive medical questionnaire and participate in an interview with set questions aimed at rejecting candidates with risk behaviour and symptoms of disease.

In addition to this, a thorough physical examination of the candidate is carried out, and blood and urine samples are tested for a number of hereditary and infectious diseases according to legal requirements at the time of registration for the Standard in question. Candidates with a family history of serious hereditary mental and physical diseases are rejected. Furthermore, the donors are screened for normal karyotype.

Finally, a health assessment is conducted prior to approving the candidate. Approved donors are tested for infectious diseases on an ongoing basis for the full duration of the donation period.

Despite this thorough selection and screening procedure, the risk of having a child with a medical condition cannot be eliminated. A Summary of Records, containing test results and Standard release information, is attached to the order confirmation as well as included in all shipments. The Summary of Records is subject to change over time.

IVF using semen from a donor is recommended for:

  • Serious cases of male factor infertility with poor sperm quality.
  • Previous failed fertilization using semen from the couple.
  • Cases of poor quality embryos or repeated implantation failures, mainly due to male factor.
  • Men who are carriers of a genetic disease that can not be studied in embryos.
  • Women without a partner.

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