Use your medicines carefully

Ask your doctor about your medicines. Make sure you understand what he said. Make sure your medicine is what the doctor ordered. If something seems wrong (the medicine seem different than what your doctor wrote on the prescription), ask the pharmacist to double-check it.
Learn how to use the medicine correctly. Read the directions on the label and other information you get with your medicine. Have the pharmacist or doctor explain anything you do not understand. There are other medicines, foods, or some activities (such as driving, drinking alcohol, or using tobacco) that you should avoid while using the medicine. Ask if you need lab tests to check how the medicine is working.
Bring a list with all your medicines when you go to your doctor’s office, the pharmacy, or the hospital. Include all prescription and medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements that you use. If your doctor prescribes a new medicine, ask if it is safe to use with your other medicines. Remind your doctor if you are allergic to any medicines.
Ask your doctor about possible side effects. Side effects can occur with many medicines. Some side effects may bother you but will get better after you have been using the medicine for a while. Call your doctor right away if you have a serious side effect or if a side effect does not get better.